
Showing posts from August, 2018

Blog Wk 6

Be kind    passing the ball to miles    Respectful   respectful to the teacher. Be growth minded to my IE
on mayday it was cross country and 11 B sate 11 g, 5 B, 

BLOG Mission 5

Why do you need your toes? When  you  walk,  your toes  maintain contact with the ground about 75% of the time. What purposes do toes serve? Which toe is the most important?

Blog Mission #4

Blog Mission #4 You need to crack this code.  All of the letters and words are jumbled up.  Your mission is to unjumble the letters to make a word and then use those words to make a sentence.   Goodluck! is on Ytrncuo country Run nd!Moya mayday ssCro cross Nru run ,hdar hard Tsfa. fast (Put your unjumbled sentence in here.)

Blog Challenge Week 3

Game Review Hockey A game of hockey is played with two teams. Each team tries to get goals using a type of stick and a ball. It is played on turf, because it is nice and flat. Using your team and passing to each other, you try to hit the ball into the goals, the goals are not that big. There is also a goalie for each team. The goals are worth 1 point each. Skills 1. Hitting the ball, hard or soft 2. Dribbling the ball 3. Passing the ball My favourite part is hitting the ball and running. It is a lot of fun. Rating 4/5

Blog Mission

This is a Calvin & Hobbs cartoon. Read it. What do you  think Calvin has learnt? Write a few sentences to explain your thinking. Why not: Try making your own short cartoon strip where a character learns a quick lesson. sawm is like of over him